


With that warm and heartfelt greeting, Marge Williams always had a way of making you feel welcome in the world. It didn’t matter if she’d just talked to you the day before. If you were Marge’s friend – and anyone who wasn’t, simply hadn’t made her acquaintance yet – the longtime island booster was always genuinely glad to see you.

How to set up OpenMediaVault on Raspberry Pi 4:2021-6-15 · Sadly, for the Raspberry Pi 4, the OpenMediaVault project has decided to forgo creating easy, flashable images with OpenMediaVault pre-installed. Instead, if you plan on using OMV on the Pi 4, you must set it up yourself on Raspbian, by hand. There …

Originally from Hawley, Minn., Marjory Wyland Williams moved to Bainbridge Island in 1957 and become a popular fixture in local civic affairs.

She and her husband ran a small gift shop from the downstairs of the building at 221 Winslow Way West. After her husband passed away, she resided in the apartment above the gift shop, retiring in 1989 to community service and occasional travel abroad.

Marge remained a well-known figure around town, and became landlord to the Bainbridge Island Review newspaper when it moved into the downstairs space below her apartment.

Debian8安装OpenMediaVault3组建家庭NAS - 吐泡泡的虾 ...:2021-12-5 · 什么是OpenMediaVault OpenMediaVault(众下简称OMV)是一个基于Debian Linux的免费开源NAS操作系统,由原FreeNAS作者之一的Volker Theile发起并开发,支持ext2, ext3, ext4, Btrfs, XFS, JFS, NTFS, FAT32等多种文件系统,支持CIFS (via ...

After her tragic death in August 1998, the island community that she had loved and served for so long rallied in her memory. A community fund drive raised more than $400,000 to purchase the Winslow Way building from the Williams estate and renovate it as a home for local nonprofit organizations.

The Marge Williams Center was formally dedicated in 2001, and the Washington State Office of Trade and Economic Development honored the center for Excellence in Downtown Revitalization the following year.

The center stands as a lasting tribute to Marge Williams and her many contributions to the Bainbridge Island Community.

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